Stakes Books

Stakes Books

The Horsemen's Information area was developed in cooperation with InCompass® and race track managements across the country as a central location for racing office information commonly sought by horsemen, including condition books and overnights. Participation in this service by the racetracks is strictly voluntary.

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Includes: Entries | Results | Workouts | Overnights | Condition Books | Stakes Nominations | Handicapping Weights

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Canterbury Park  -  07.10.2025 | 08.09.2025 | 08.09.2025 | 08.21.2025 | 08.21.2025 | 09.06.2025 | 09.06.2025
Del Mar  -  09.07.2025
Emerald Downs  -  09.07.2025
Fairmount Park  -  09.19.2025
Finger Lakes  -  11.26.2025
Fonner Park  -  04.05.2025 | 04.12.2025 | 04.19.2025 | 04.26.2025 | 04.26.2025 | 04.26.2025 | 05.03.2025 | 05.03.2025
Hawthorne  -  11.03.2025
Horseshoe Indianapolis  -  11.13.2025
Laurel Park  -  04.12.2025 | 04.19.2025 | 06.15.2025 | 06.28.2025 | 09.06.2025 | 09.13.2025 | 09.20.2025 | 09.27.2025
Legacy Downs  -  05.10.2025 | 05.11.2025 | 05.16.2025 | 05.17.2025 | 05.18.2025 | 05.24.2025 | 05.25.2025 | 05.31.2025 | 06.01.2025 | 06.06.2025 | 06.07.2025 | 06.08.2025 | 06.08.2025
Lone Star Park  -  07.13.2025
Mahoning Valley Race Course  -  04.03.2025 | 04.03.2025 | 10.25.2025 | 10.25.2025 | 10.25.2025 | 10.25.2025 | 10.25.2025 | 11.13.2025 | 11.24.2025 | 11.24.2025 | 11.24.2025 | 11.24.2025 | 11.24.2025 | 11.24.2025 | 11.24.2025 | 12.18.2025 | 12.18.2025
Parx Racing  -  12.31.2025
Pimlico  -  05.16.2025 | 05.17.2025
Sam Houston Race Park  -  04.06.2025 | 06.14.2025
Santa Anita Park  -  04.06.2025
Sunland Park  -  04.06.2025
Will Rogers Downs  -  05.14.2025